Situm WYF is an UX component. Therefore, its behaviour strips down to:
- Showing itself inside an UX container (e.g. an Activity/Fragment in Android or a Component in React).
- Receiving user interactions that happen within that container.
- Informing the app about those interactions (e.g. user has touched a button) as well as other events happening within Situm WYF.
- Receiving commands from the app, with the objective of modifying the module behaviour (e.g. center the view on a certain POI) or visualization properties (e.g. hide the floor selector).
Situm WYF architecture components #
Situm WYF is divided in three components:
- SitumMapsLibrary (Android, iOS). This is the key component of Situm WYF, since it creates the SitumMap and allows the developer to access it to modify its behaviour on the fly (e.g. showing certain UX elements, changing the map view on the fly, starting/stopping positioning…) or to subscribe to events (UI interactions, state changes, etc).
- LibrarySettings (Android, iOS). Allows the developer to configure static parameters & behaviour such as: credentials, initialization display properties (e.g. initial zoom), whether Remote Configuration should be used, etc.
Using Situm WYF programmatically (native Android/iOS) #
In essence, you’ll need to declare an UI component in your app and load the view provided by SitumMapsLibrary. Please read sections Static UI settings and Dynamic UI settings to have a better understanding on how to interact & configure this view.