This section will help you in troubleshooting common issues when integrating SitumWYF.
Android #
Google Maps API Key not found #
If you do not provide a Google Maps API Key to SitumWYF, your app will crash with an exception like this one:
Invalid Google Maps API Key #
If you open up SitumWYF in your app and you see a blank map like the one in the following Figure, chances are you have specified an invalid Google Maps API Key.
Invalid Situm credentials #
If you’re sure that you have created venues in your account, but SitumWYF doesn’t show any, your Situm credentials are probably not set correctly (or, alternatively, they are not correct). Read this to know how to set them.
Pre-cached Situm credentials #
SitumWYF caches your account credentials (properly secured). If you happen to use some credentials in your app, and then re-compile it with other credentials, make sure you uninstall your application first from the device. Otherwise, weird behaviour may arise.