December 11, 2023 #
- We have activated the update notice of our Master Subscription Agreement to reflect the use of Sentry in the mapviewer. For more information you can consult the document here.
- We have restored the polish language
November 8, 2023 #
- Resolved an issue that could cause the modification of POIs to fail when their position was changed with a “drag & drop” action.
October 30, 2023 #
- Fixed problems with duplicate websockets messages
Agust 24, 2023 #
- Fixed an issue that could cause users to experience issues when updating certain POI categories
Agust 17, 2023 #
- Now it will be possible to upload personalized images for each of the points of interest. These images will correspond to the selected and unselected icon. These icons will be used in the following versions of the different viewers and apps
Agust 02, 2023 #
- Now you can use the api key without including the user’s email address. Before with the api key you had to include in a header the user’s email associated to the api key. From now on this will not be necessary. Consult the documentation here for more information
July 27, 2023 #
- Fixed an issue with the visualization of tooltips for alarms when the alarm generated was of type ‘assistance request’.
July 13, 2023 #
- The maximum image size for the POI category icons has been limited to 128 x 128 pixels.
July 6, 2023 #
- The possibility of configuring a parent category has been added to the creation and editing forms of POI categories. This allows the creation of hierarchical relationships between POI categories.
June 20, 2023 #
- Fixed error when reseting your password. In the login page, if you clicked on “Forget your password?”, you’d receive an email with a link to reset it. However, the password reset operation could not be completed properly before this fix.
June 15, 2023 #
- Fixed the assignment of building and groups to devices when the group or building was assigned to more than one device.
June 06, 2023 #
- The description of alarms of type “Breach” (“Round Breach” as shown in the Dashboard) was not being shown correctly: the POI or area associated with the breach was displayed as “unknown” every time. This happened, for example, in the Alarms report. Now, it displays the POI/area name correctly.
June 05, 2023 #
- Fixed a bug that caused the custom fields of POI categories to not be saved correctly when editing a POI category.
May 31, 2023 #
- Improvements in the documentation of the api/v1/reports endpoints. For further information see the API docs.
- Internal updates to improve system stability.
May 12, 2023 #
- Added support to associate several categories to a POI. We have updated the POI creation and editing form to allow adding multiple categories to a POI. For further information see the API docs.
- Internal updates to improve system stability.
May 10, 2023 #
- Allows the subcategories of POIs through open api. For further information see the API docs.
May 04, 2023 #
- Added support to add custom fields in poi categories.
April 24, 2023 #
- Custom fields have been added to POI categories. This allows saving any type of extra information related to them. The creation of these custom fields can be done both from the dashboard and through our API. For further information see the API docs.
March 22, 2023 #
- Fixed a problem not showing all the devices with available data in the analytics filter form.
March 16, 2023 #
- Improvements have been made in the management of POIS and POIS Categories to prevent POIS from being assigned to a non-existent category which has been deleted by another user in concurrence with POI creation. In addition, before deleting a POI category, all the POIs belonging to it will be reassigned to the default category “No category”.
March 06, 2023 #
- The value of the “code” field, in responses to geofences GET requests, will be set to an empty string (“”) in cases where it is null to prevent the IOS SDK from exhibiting an unexpected behavior when this field is accessed. The affected endpoints are:
- GET /api/v1/geofences/search
- GET /api/v1/geofences/{id}
February 16, 2023 #
- Now it is possible to generate a positioning model without WiFi or BLE calibrations, using only GPS positioning geofences for outdoor locations.
- New warning modal to alert user when training a model with positioning gps geofences only.
- New warning modal to show info about model generation and to alert the user that previous models are going to be removed
- Fix error when saving calibrations without calibrations selected.
- Improved search geofences feature.
February 14, 2023 #
- Add the new typology GEOFENCE MAX_STAY_TIME for the creation of alarms. For further information see Alarms API documentation.
January 31, 2023 #
- Fixed a bug related to the deletion of API keys.
- Internal updates to improve system stability.
January 26, 2023 #
- On users tab: navigation icons colors are now always gray colored and not black or white.