02 – First steps for Tracking

Try Situm in 5 steps.

Configure your account #

Access Situm’s Dashboard, create your buildings and upload their plans, georeferencing them according to their actual location, size and orientation.

  1. Create a building and upload the floorplans 
  2. Create POIS that will serve as checkpoints for patrols.
  3. Create geofences to audit stay & visit times. 
  4. Staff configuration:

Infrastructure #

Situm uses two types of signals as infrastructure: WiFi and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy).

  • WiFi. Android can use WiFi signals. Your existing building infrastructure should be enough.
  • BLE. Both Android & iOS can use BLE signals. We recommend to deploy BLE beacons to provide a good wayfinding experience in Android & iOS.
  • Additionally, make sure your device has all the required sensors.

Calibrate and positioning #

To configure indoor positioning in your venue:

1. Download Situm Mapping Tool

2. Calibrate your venue by gathering the WiFi/BLE signals.

3. Test positioning


  1. Download Mrm Tracker
  2. Log in with your credentials
  3. Enable the remote configuration
  4. Try it!

MRM Tracker #

Two ways of using this application:

Basic Tracking:

Positioning without patrols: this option is used to position users who do not have patrols assigned.

Patrols tracking:

Positioning with patrols:  this option would be available if you are assigned to a building that has some patrols previously created in your Situm Dashboard account.

Start monitoring your staff! #

Start monitoring the geolocation of your workforce staff through the real time panel and the reports section:

  1. Real time panel
  2. Reports

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