What is Situm #
Situm is an indoor and outdoor positioning platform that makes it really easy to build mapping and location based solutions for smartphones, websites and kiosks.
Situm provides 3 ready-to-use functionalities which can be combined together in different ways to build new indoor location solutions:
- Maps & Wayfinding.
- Bring to life your floorplans, showing them in 2D/3D, supporting different formats (plain images, vector files such as GeoJSON/IMDF) and decorating them with 3D ornamental objects.
- Integrate these maps in mobile apps, webpages and digital kiosks. Show a directory of your venue’s points of interest and allow visitors to find how to get there through different kinds of routes (shortest, wheelchair friendly, etc.).
- Our easy-to-use CMS allows to manage everything: indoor maps, points of interest, geofences and indoor routes. Or you may integrate your CMS data through our APIs!
- Indoor & Outdoor Positioning.
- We’re able to geolocate Android & iOS smartphones inside and outside buildings. Geolocation can be easily integrated with your maps to provide dynamic wayfinding.
- Thanks to our multi-sensor data fusion algorithm, we achieve high accuracy without requiring big investments in infrastructure by leveraging on pre-existing information of the environment (magnetic fields, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS…) combined with sensors that allow to infer the movement of the user (compass, gyroscope, accelerometer, barometer…).
- We provide not only the absolute location of the smartphone, but also its orientation and the specific floor where it is (detected automatically).
- Geoanalytics & Real-Time Tracking.
- Last but not least, we can store all the computed geolocations and offer real-time & historical data insights.
- Examples are: most search POIs, most used routes, number of users and how much they use your solution, knowing where each user is, most visited places of a building, user trajectories and heatmaps…
Situm Platform components #
Situm Platform consist of:
- Situm Map Viewer: ready-to-use user interface that shows the maps of your venue (floorplans, POIs…) and provides wayfinding to your visitors (POI search, turn-by-turn navigation…). Ready-to-integrate in your apps, websites and kiosks, in a matter of minutes.
- Visual Mobile SDKs (Android native, iOS native, Flutter, React Native, Cordova, Capacitor): easily integrate our Map Viewer plus indoor/outdoor positioning in your Android & iOS apps.
- Web APIs: integrate cartography data & geolocation analytics using our REST APIs and Javascript SDK.
- Situm Dashboard: a CMS to manage all the cartography of your venue (floorplans, routes, geofences, POI information including text, images and videos, etc.)
- Situm Mapping Tool: an Android app to easily configure indoor/outdoor positioning in your venue.
- Situm MRM: a ready-to-use mobile app for workforce and asset tracking.
What is Situm good for? #
Wayfinding #
Wayfinding apps provide indoor geolocation, a map and turn-by-turn indications to building visitors. A shopping mall that allows you to search for your favorite shop, a hospital app that shows you where your physician’s office is, an airport app that provides the shortest route to your boarding gate…
Some of the most popular use cases are:
To achieve this, Situm Platform provides mobile SDKs & visual components that allow to bring geolocation and indoor navigation to their apps easily, as well as REST APIs to consume and modify any data stored in Situm Platform. With Situm, you will be able to:
- Integrate an out-of-the-box wayfinding user experience into…
- Websites and kiosks: with maps & static navigation.
- Mobile apps: including indoor geolocation as well.
- Show your buildings’ cartography: 2D/3D floorplans, 3D ornamental objects, geofences, navigation routes, etc.
- Compute a high accuracy indoor & outdoor geolocation of each user.
- Provide fully customizable turn-by-turn navigation with instructions: not only through the shortest routes, but also wheelchair friendly, healthy routers (avoiding elevators), public/private routes…
- Setup the routes and Points of Interest of your venue via an easy to use CMS, associating information such as texts, videos, images…
- Know your visitors: most searched POIs, most popular routes, most visited areas, etc.
In other words, Situm Platform will allow you to build beautiful wayfinding apps in no time for any venue of any size, from airports to small shopping malls, for smartphones (Android, iOS) and webapps (webpages, digital kiosks…).
Tracking #
Situm is also extensively used by facility management, security and manufacturing companies to manage and monitor mobile workforces both in indoor and outdoor spaces. This provides them a privileged view of their field work, allowing them to optimize their services, audit the quality of work provided, and of course, increase the safety of their environments and workforces.
To this end, Situm Platform provides Situm MRM, an end-to-end solution that will allow you to (without developing a single line of code):
- Track and visualize the indoor & outdoor geolocation of your workforces.
- Manage & audit the work to be performed thanks to geolocated patrols.
- Manage your workforce information: work groups, user roles, etc.
- Receive events and alarms (e.g. man down alarms or panic button alerts) in real-time, allowing you to react quickly to them.
- Audit the work performed by your team thanks to powerful geoanalytics such as trajectories, heatmaps, or geofencing based reports.
- Integrate all the KPIs in your favorite Business Intelligence tool, such as PowerBI.