This library is not maintained anymore. We strongly encourage you to consider transitioning to Situm SDK 3.0 for new projects or when updating existing ones. Situm SDK 3.0 includes a new visual component, SITMapView, providing an enhanced experience for both final user and developer.
To stay up to date, checkout the iOS SDK Changelog and visit the migration guide to ease the transition to the new library.
Version 0.20.0-alpha – February 22,2024 #
- Library deprecated. We strongly recommend adopting MapView, the new visual component available for iOS.
- Updates iOS SDK to version 3.7.2
Version 0.19.8-alpha – October 19,2023 #
- Added polish translation.
- Updates iOS SDK to version 3.2.2
Version 0.19.6-alpha – August 11,2023 #
- Updated Situm SDK dependency to 2.62.0
- The minimun iOS supported version has being increaded to ios 11, as the market share of previous versions is very small. As of May 21st, 2023 the 94% of the iphone users were on IOS 16 or IOS 15 Whit this change the latest unsupported device will be iphone 5C(2013)
Version 0.19.5-alpha – June 26, 2023 #
- Updated Situm SDK dependency to 2.61.0
Version 0.19.4-alpha – June 01, 2023 – [Stable] #
- Updated Situm SDK dependency to 2.60.2
Version 0.19.3-alpha – May 15, 2023 #
- The navigation system couldn’t compute routes if your location was unstable, leading to an “Unknown location” error shown as a dialog. Now, it waits until your location is steady before calculating the route.
- When you clicked the “Center” button, the view tracked your location only on the current floor. When you changed floors, the view switched to the new floor but didn’t follow your movement. Now, it tracks your location continuously, even when you change floors.
- Updated Situm SDK dependency to 2.60.1.
- Updated Hebrew translations.
Version 0.19.2-alpha – March 20, 2023. – [Stable] #
- In previous versions, if you tried to unload a previously loaded Wayfinding module that has not yet been showed into the screen, a crash occurred.
Version 0.19.1-alpha – March 15, 2023. #
- Enabled remote configuration by default.
- Enabled clustering option by default.
- Enabled showPoiNames option by default.
- Enabled useDashboardTheme option by default.
- Update iOS SDK to version 2.59.0
Version 0.19.0-alpha – March 09, 2023. #
- Added new method to unload the Wayfinding module, this method should be used if the wyf module is not needed or before calling the load method again. If the unload method is not called, Wayfinding will consume unnecesary resources and can be left in an inaqurate state.
- Wayfinding now implements methos to add and remove custom POIs (CustomPoi) on the map.
- startCustomPoiCreation(…): launches CustomPoi creation mode, allowing the user to select and save an arbitrary point on the map.
- getCustomPoi(…): returns the last stored CustomPoi or null if none is stored.
- removeCustomPoi(…): deletes the stored CustomPoi.
- selectCustomPoi(…): selects the stored CustomPoi and centers it on the map (and floor).
- Updated Situm SDK dependency to 2.58.0
- Fixed bug that does not clean the previous user position in some cases when reloading Wayfinding.
- Fixed a bug when the user was on navigation if the Wayfinding view is removed from screen and presented again afterwards.
- Fixed a bug that causes the duplication of some pois if the user has been on a route and the positioning is stopped.
Version 0.18.1-alpha – February 16, 2023. #
- Updated Situm SDK dependency to 2.57.0
Version 0.18.0-alpha – February 02, 2023. #
- UI improvements : Improvements in the UI of the bottom information view
- UI improvements: Improvements in the floor selector appeareance
- UI improvements: Now if you use the dashboard theme the primary color is applied to most of the coloured items of the UI
- Improved texts of several languages
- Updated Situm SDK dependency to 2.56.0
- Added support to customize minZoom and maxZoom on the map. With this feature as a developer you can provide values that configure the minimum and maximum value of zoom the map will allow the user to set. Since the base map depends on GoogleMaps, you can see more information regarding the zoom parameter on for Android and for iOS.
- Added support to configure the look and feel of the UI based on the dashboard theme. Change base colors and logos with the variable useDashboardTheme. Default to true.
- Added hebrew and portuguese languages
- Until now, Wayfinding started and stopped the positioning internally. Any positioning session previously launched with the SitumSdk had to be stopped and started again by Wayfinding. Now Wayfinding uses the new SitumSdk SITLocationManager#addDelegate method to subscribe to the SitumSdk positioning. If it is already running, Wayfinding will draw the user position immediately. Wayfinding will react accordingly at any time if the positioning stops or starts from outside (using the SitumSdk API directly).
- Added dark mode support
- When the back button is enabled in Wayfinding library, if the user taps in it the library no longer stops positioning automatically. To stop the positioning you should use [SITLocationManager.sharedInstance().removeUpdates()](
Version 0.17.1-alpha – December 22, 2022. #
- Added Turkish translations.
- When the floor name is available it is shown instead of the ground level. The floor name will be shown in the search bar and in the POI info at the bottom bar when a POI is selected.
Version 0.17.0-alpha – December 21, 2022. #
- Added floor change icons in the route path to indicate when a change of floor has to be made.
- Added support to show tiles downloaded offline. Tiles allow you to upload really large floorplans while maintaining a high display quality. Calling this SDK method you will download all the tiles of your building and it will work offline. Have in mind that by default the buildings don’t have tiles.
- Updated Situm SDK dependency to 2.55.0.
Version 0.16.1-alpha – November 07, 2022. #
- Improvements in the calculation of time to goal and arrival time when the user request a route to a point.
Version 0.16.0-alpha – November 03, 2022. Warning: Experimental Version #
- Added onNavigationStarted method to OnNavigationListener to notify when all route calculation are finished and the navigation starts.
Warning: If you were already implenting OnNavigationListener protocol this change will break compatibility as you will need to add onNavigationStarted to your delegate.
Version 0.15.0-alpha – October 31, 2022. Warning: Experimental Version #
- Add new method startPositioning to SitumMapsLibrary that allow to start positioning the user in the map.
- Fixed bug when poi names are shown and poi name is too long. Previously the name was cut.
- Updated Situm SDK dependency to 2.54.2.
Version 0.14.0-alpha – October 27, 2022. Warning: Experimental Version #
- Add new method setFloorsListVisible(floorsListVisible: Bool) in LibrarySettings Builder to show or hide the floors list.
- Add new method setPositioningFabVisible(positioningFabVisible: Bool) in LibrarySettings Builder to show or hide the positioning button.
- UI Improvements: Change the size, rounding and font of the center button.
- UI Improvements: Increase size of cluster icons and make them look like android.
- UI Improvements: Improvemnts in user feedback. Now an alert is shown when the user tries to start. positioning if they previously rejected one of the system permissions Wayfinding needs to provide locations.
- Improved some translations text
Version 0.13.0-alpha – October 24, 2022. Warning: Experimental Version #
- Added support for Top Level POIs. These POIs will never be clustered, so they will be visible all the time no matter the level of zoom. To set top level pois create for that POI a custom field in dashboard with a property “top_level” and value “true”.
- UI Improvements: Decrease the size of POI icons.
- UI Improvements: Update size, font and stroke of POI labels. The new font used is Roboto.
- Fixed a bug that shows an invisible nav bar if search bar is set to be hidden in SITLibrarySettings and you stop positioning.
- Fixed crash in POI selection when user filter POI categories or change floor plant.
- Fixed crash in POI selection that occurs sometimes when clustering is enabled.
Version 0.12.0-alpha – October 20, 2022. #
- Added new method presentInNewView(_ view: UIView, controlledBy viewController: UIViewController) in SitumMapsLibrary that allows to present the WYF module in a different container view without the need of resetting the WYF module.
- Added new method filterPois(by categoryIds: [String]) in SitumMapsLibrary to filter POIs by given category Ids. This will hide the icon of every POI in the map that doesn’t match these categories.
- Break clusters of POIs when zoom is very close to building
Version 0.11.1-alpha – October 10, 2022 #
- Updated Situm SDK dependency to 2.54.1
Version 0.11.0-alpha – October 05, 2022 #
- Add new method setShowNavigationIndications(showNavigationIndications: Bool) in LibrarySettings Builder to show or hide the navigation indications depending on the parameter value
- Added Arabic translations and Right-to-left UI
- Updated Situm SDK dependency to 2.54.0.
Version 0.10.0-alpha – September 30, 2022 #
- Added support for using tiles in google maps. For more information check how to use tiles with situm
- Fixed a bug in setUseDashboardTheme from the LibrarySettings Builder. Now the dashboard theme works again.
Version 0.9.0-alpha – September 7, 2022
- Added Japanese and French translations.
- Updated Situm SDK dependency to 2.53.0.
- Fixed a bug that caused the application to crash when the user gets out of the route.
- Fixed a bug that causes buildings with only one floor not showing its floorplan on the map.
Version 0.8.1-alpha – August 12, 2022
- Updated Situm SDK to 2.52.4
- Fixed an error that caused release branches in pipelines to generate artifacts in debug mode
- Fixed a bug that makes the user orientation not being updated when the screen is not centered in the user position.
Version 0.8.0-alpha – July 04, 2022
- Corrected methods lockCameraToBuilding(buildingId: String) and lockCameraToBuilding(building: SITBuilding) in SitumMapsLibrary to limit the minimun zoom to fit on the building bounds.
Version 0.7.0-alpha – June 28, 2022
- Add new method setEnablePoiClustering(enablePoisClustering: Bool) in LibrarySettings Builder to activate or deactivate marker clustering of pois displayed in the map.
Version 0.6.0-alpha – June 17, 2022
- Add new method enableOneBuildingMode(buildingId: String) in SitumMapsLibrary to limit zoom and pan to a single building
- Add new method enableOneBuildingMode(building: SITBuilding) in SitumMapsLibrary to limit zoom and pan to a single building
- Behavior change when selecting a POI. If it is selected, the icon is shown in blue, while if it is not selected, it is black. If the parameter to show the name of the POI is active, it will be shown whether it is selected or not.
- Now the route is recalculated when the user goes outside the route (but still in building). The new route is recalculated from the actual user location
Version 0.5.0-alpha – April 12, 2022 #
- Adjusted navigation parameters to improve navigatin experience
- Added method setShowSearchBar to LibrarySettings Builder. This method allows to hide or show the POI search bar
- Added method setShowBackButton to LibrarySettings Builder. This method allows to hide or show the navigation back button
Version 0.4.0-alpha – March 31, 2022 #
- Navigation UI has been redesigned with aesthetic improvements and better and more clear information about the route.
- Changes in GoogleMaps styles to adjust the colors and lightness of some cartographic elements.
- Changes in GoogleMaps styles to hide GoogleMaps POI names.
- Changed the behaviour of the module when setShowTextPois is not set. Now the default value is false so only the POI icons whithout its name will appear on the map.
- Updated situm sdk dependency to 2.52.1
- Changed the behaviour of long presses over the map. Now a marker is shown only if the long press is performed inside the bounds of the building.
- Fixed a bug detected in navigation mode when the user goes outside the route. In previous versions while the user was outside the route the user location was not updated.
Version 0.3.0-alpha – March 14, 2022 #
- Added localization for spanish language.
- Added method setShowPoiNames to LibrarySettings Builder. This method allows the name of the POIs to be displayed on the map above each POI icon. If it is set to true, the POI name is displayed above the POI icon, if it is set to false, only the POI icon appears.
Version 0.2.0-alpha – February 21, 2022 #
- Added protocol OnNavigationListener and a method setOnNavigationListener on SitumMapsLibrary. As a developer you can set a listener and implement the protocol methods to get notified of events during navigation (onNavigationRequested, onNavigationError and onNavigationFinished). Each of the protocol methods will receive an object that complies to protocol Navigation.
- Added protocol Navigation that holds information about the current status of the navigation and the navigation Destination.
- Added protocol Destination that holds information about a Navigation Destination.
Version 0.1.22-alpha – February 21, 2022 #
- Added method navigateToLocation(floor, lat, lng) on SitumMapLibrary to navigate to a location in the current building.The location is specified by a floor, a latitude and a longitude
- Added the method setUseRemoteConfig(Bool) to LibrarySettings to start positioning using the Remote Configuration. The default value is false. When this parameter is set to true the local settings will be overwritten.
Version 0.1.21-alpha – February 07, 2022 #
- Added method navigateToPoi on SitumMapsLibrary to navigate to a POI on the map. Navigation includes the calculation of the route from the user current position to the Poi and managing the turn by turn indications.
Version 0.1.20-alpha – January 28, 2022 #
- Added a protocol OnMapReadyListener and a mehod setOnMapReadyListener on SitumMapsLibrary. As a developer you can set a listener and implement the protocol method to get notified when it is safe to perform operations over the map.
- Added method selectPoi on SitumMapsLibrary to select a POI on the map. A callback could be passed as a parameter to know when the POI was selected (since the action is asynchronous)
Version 0.1.19-alpha – January 14, 2022 #
- Added protocol OnPoiSelectionListener and method setOnPoiSelectionListener on SitumMap protocol. As a developer you can set a listener and implement the protocol methods to get notified of selection/deselection of Pois.
- Added protocol OnFloorChangeListener and method setOnFloorChangeListener on SitumMap protocol. As a developer you can set a listener and implement the protocol method to get notified of changes in the selected floor.
- Now changes on the selected floor doesn’t cause the deselection of the selected Poi.
Version 0.1.18-alpha – December 23, 2021 #
- Finished the implementation of the search bar. This search bar presents the building POIs ordered alphabetically and provides basic filtering capbilities. A selection of a POI implies that:
- If there was a selected POI it is deselected.
- The active floor plan is changed to the selected POI floor if neccesary.
- The footer bar is uptated to show the POI info.
- The navigation button to request a route to that POI is displayed.
- Added a public method setSearchViewPlaceholder in LibrarySettings class.
- Updated situm sdk dependency to 2.51.5.
Version 0.1.17-alpha – December 14, 2021 #
- First version of the search bar. In this version the selection of a result is not yet implemented.
Version 0.1.16-alpha – November 11, 2021 #
- Previously when a building was first shown in the app, the default floor that appeared in the screen was the highest floor. Now this was changed to be the lowest floor
- Added methods in LibrarySettings and SitumMapView to set the user marker from a local asset.
- Now the user position error range circle gets its color from the dashboard when the option useDashboardTheme is set to true. The same applies to the navigation path color.
Version 0.1.15-alpha – November 11, 2021 #
- Changed the shape and colour of the guidance path.
Version 0.1.14-alpha – July 28, 2021 #
- Solved issue displaying the user’s location that in certain situation could appear in the wrong floor.
Version 0.1.13-alpha – May 26, 2021 #
- Improvements in user location accuracy circumference.
Version 0.1.12-alpha – February 16, 2021 #
- Customize logo and primary color based on profile.
- WARNING: Last version compatible with iOS 9
Version 0.1.11-alpha – February 10, 2021 #
- Fix a crash when requesting navigation from outdoor positions.
- Improvements in navigation experience.
Version 0.1.10-alpha – October 28, 2020 #
- Fix a crash in SceneDelegate projects due to use of deprecated UIAlertView.
Version 0.1.9-alpha – December 26, 2019 #
- Outdoor positions can now be seen.
- Fix a bug not updating the users markers as soon as a floor change happens.
Version 0.1.5-alpha – June 27, 2019 #
- Add new class SitumView
- Add option to load Wayfinding module as a view (only programmaticaly before)
- Credentials are now set through a separate method setCredentials()
- Add new custom error UnsuportedConfigurationError
- Not providing credentials before loading the module now throws an exception
Version 0.1.4-alpha – June 19, 2019 #
- Rename Facade to SitumMapsLibrary
- Add SitumMap protocol
- Add function getGoogleMap() to SitumMapsLibrary class
- Add interceptors functionality for location, directions and navigation requests
- onBackPressedCallback is now passed to SitumMapsLibrary through a separate method
Version 0.1.3-alpha – June 11, 2019 #
- Add onBackCallback to Facade load() method
- Add class Credentials
Version 0.1.2-alpha – May 29, 2019 #
- Documented all public classes
Version 0.1.1-alpha – May 24, 2019 #
- Fixed view load so it always matches its superview size
Version 0.1.0-alpha – May 23, 2019 #
- Initial version