Battery Settings #

If your app implements a tracking use case, it will probably need to run for hours in the background. However, by default Android may prevent apps to run for long periods of time in order to save battery. You may disable this Android feature by:

  1. Disabling the Power Saver mode in your smartphone.
  2. Disabling the battery optimization feature for your app.

Disable Power Saver mode #

You may disable the Power Saver mode in Settings > Battery > Power Saver mode > Disable. The specific route may vary depending on the Android version.

Disable Battery optimization for your app #

In addition, you will need to deactivate the battery optimization option for your app. This action can be performed by selecting Settings > Battery > More battery settings > Optimise battery use.

Then, in the configuration of your app (Situm MRM Tracker App in this example) select the option Don´t optimise.

WiFi scan throttling (Android 10 and onwards) #

Disabling WiFi Throttling from the Developer options #

One way to disable WiFi Throttling is through the Android Developer Options. First of all, you must turn on these options by going to Settings > About Phone > Version. Tap on the menu called “Build Number” 7 times until a pop-up message indicates that the “Developer mode has been enabled”.

Then, go back to Settings > Additional options > Developer Options. On Networking deactivate the WiFi scan throttling.

Disabling WiFi Throttling with ADB #

As an alternative to the previous process, you may also disable WiFi Throttling in your device by using ADB. First of all, you should install and get ADB running on your computer. Then, connect your smartphone to your computer via USB and introduce the following command in your favorite console:

adb shell settings put global wifi_scan_throttle_enabled

Enabling Wifi & Bluetooth scanning #

In order to scan WiFi and BLE signals correctly, you must allow scanning WiFi networks and Bluetooth beacons in Settings > Location > Wifi and Bluetooth scanning and activate.

Clearing your app’s cache #

Sometimes, the data in your cache may become corrupt and you may want to clear it. You may do this from your App info. In this menu, choose Storage usage then Clear Data and Clear Cache.

Finally, login into your app again.

Disabling unrestricted mobile data #

Tracking apps usually need to communicate continuously with Situm Platform (in the cloud) in order to upload the users’ geolocations in real time. Android OS may restrict these communications if your smartphone has the Data saver option enabled. We highly recommend disabling this option for these kinds of apps.

To do so, click on Settings > SIM card & mobile data > Data savingOff.

Enabling the unrestricted data usage and background data usage #

Additionally, we also recommend enabled the following:

  • Background data usage
  • Data usage while Data saver is on

You may do this from your App info. Hold down your app icon (Situm Mapping Tool App in this example) and click on Data usage details. Then, enabled the Background data.

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