You might want to provide your application in different languages. Currently, we support both LeftToRight (e.g. english) and RightToLeft (e.g. arabic) languages (for more details on the languages supported, please check this page).
To this extent, Situm supports internationalization of three elements:
- Turn-by-turn indications, so you can provide guidance to your users in their native language, either by displaying the indications in text or voice format.
- Name and information of Buildings, POIs and Floors.
- Name of POI categories in two languages (primary & secondary).
In order to show internationalized information in our Map Viewer, you just need to set up the lng query param to your target language in ISO 639 format. If you’re using the Map Viewer integrated in Situm SDK, you’ll need to follow this procedure.
Turn-by-turn indications #
If you configure internationalization as described in the previous section, you should see turn-by-turn directions properly translated.
Buildings, POIs and Floors #
Situm supports internationalization of some cartography elements:
- Building: name, address and information.
- Floor: name.
- POI: name and information.
- POI categories. name
You may configure this information in different languages using Situm Dashboard as explained here. Once you do, our Map Viewer will show these elements translated into the smartphone locale language. If the locale language is not specified by a custom-field, English will be used as a fallback.