Before you use Situm MRM, you will need to configure or adjust:
- Application Settings. Inside the app, you will be able to configure several options such as: use of WiFi/BLE/GPS for positioning, alarm sensitivity, etc.
- Phone Settings. You will need to disable the network data and battery optimizations that most smartphones enforce by default. Additionally, if your phone is Android 10 or superior, and you are using WiFi for positioning, you will need to disable WiFi Throttling so that Situm provides the maximum accuracy.
Application Settings #
To access the Setting menu, click on the three vertical points in the upper right corner of the screen and then on “Configuration”:
To prevent users from changing settings or logging out, the system will prompt you to input a PIN number. By default, this master PIN will be ‘1234’ master PIN unless you set up a custom one. Once you access the Configuration menu, you will see that settings are divided into four sections: Alarms, Positioning, Advanced Options and Other:
Positioning #
Situm MRM allows to configure the following settings related to positioning:
- Use remote config. If enabled, the Remote Configuration introduced in Situm Dashboard will be applied to the app (all that appears in this section positioning). This will override any local configuration you may have introduced. We strongly recommend to always have it enabled because you can keep the configuration of all terminals the same and easily change them all remotely.
If you disable it, you can modify the following options:
Settings | Description | Recommendation | Useful Links |
Use WiFi | When enabled, Situm MRM will scan WiFi for positioning. | Enabled | WiFi |
Ignore the Wifi Throttling | If enabled, in Android >=10 devices Situm MRM will scan WiFi as fast as possible, unless WiFi Throttling is detected (in which case, it will revert to one scan every 30 seconds). | Enabled | Wifi throttling Android Mobile Config |
Use Bluetooth | When enabled, Situm MRM will scan Bluetooth signals for positioning. Only enable this if your building has BLE beacons installed. Battery consumption could be higher if you enable this mode. | Enable if there are beacons in the building | Bluetooth |
Use GPS for indoor location | When enabled, Situm MRM will use GPS to improve indoor positioning in open spaces (e.g. parking lots within the building). | Enable if there are outside zones | Calibrated Indoor GPS Uncalibrated Indoor GPS |
Use camera | Improve indoor positioning. For specific use cases. | Disabled | “By foot” Visual Odometry motion mode in Situm SDK |
Interval to upload locations in Real-Time | This interval selector allows you to change how often the positions are uploaded to Situm Platform, in order to monitor the user geolocation in the RealTime section of Situm Dashboard. Note: This could potentially increase battery and mobile data consumption. | Keep default value (5 seconds). | Realtime update interval |
Enable Global Location | Enables the Global Mode, so the device will be able to detect locations both outdoors and indoors. | Enabled | Global Mode |
Fast GPS (outdoors) | Outdoor positioning is updated with GPS info as soon as possible. Otherwise, it is updated every 5 seconds. | Disabled | |
Building Detector (only available with Enable Global Location enabled) | Allows you to configure the Building Detector that Situm MRM will use, in order to detect the building where the user is automatic. It has 4 values: GPS_PROXIMITY, WIFI_AND_BLE, WIFI, BLE. | Usually, WIFI or WIFI_AND_BLE (if you have beacons) is recommended. | Building Detector |
Use geofences in building selector | The geofences will be used in the building selection. If the user GPS location is inside a geofence the building will be selected. | Disabled | Trainer Metadata |
Open Sky Detector (only available with Enable Global Location enabled) | Detects if you are inside or outside a building based on the SNR of the GPS signal. | Disabled | Open Sky Detector explanation in Situm Mapping Tool |
Advanced Global Location (only available with Open Sky Detector enabled) | When using the Open Sky Detector, allows to configure the average SNR threshold to detect outdoor positioning. The default value is 28 but can be overridden. | Keep default Value | |
Use battery saver | When enabled, this will activate the Battery Saver mode when smartphone is not moving. | Enabled | Battery saver |
Alarms #
Situm MRM allows three types of alarms: Panic button, TapTapTap alarm and Fall alarm. You may configure them with the following options:
- Enable send Alarms: When enabled, Situm MRM will be able to detect all three kinds of alarms and send them to Situm Dashboard. If you enable this option you will be able to modify the following parameters:
Settings | Description | Recommendation | Useful Links |
Enable TapTapTap | When enabled, it uses the TapTapTap service to send an alarm when hitting the device three times on the back of it. This function will be integrated into the new Android 11, but it´s already possible to test it from now on. | Enable it if you need to send your current position quickly | TapTapTap |
Alert Detector Configuration (only available with Enable TapTapTap enabled) | Allows to set up the sensibility of the TapTapTap alarm. The default value is 5. Going left (towards 0) would make the device less sensitive, detecting softer hits. Going right (towards 10) will make it more sensitive, so you will need harder hits to trigger the alarm. | Keep default value | |
Enable Fall Detector | When enabled, it uses the Fall Detector service to send an alarm when a fall is detected. This option is used to determine if the user needs assistance due to an accidental or provoked fall (assault) and can’t press the alarm button. | Enable in specific risk situations | Fall Detector |
Fall Detector Configuration (only available with Enable Fall Detector enabled) | 1. Sensibility: It normally is set to 0.5, which is the default value. Going left (towards 0.0) would make the device less sensitive and going right (towards 1.0), would make it more sensitive. Reduce or Increase the minimum variance that is able to detect. 2. Wait time: This one sets the time (in seconds) the device has to be without movement before triggering the alarm. | Keep default value |
Rounds #
If you have any patrol in the account, the Rounds section will appear in the configuration with the following configuration option:
Settings | Description | Recommendation | Useful Links |
Step radius | Minimum distance in meters at which the user has to approach each checkpoint in order to complete it. | Keep default value (20 meters) | Patrols |
Crowd control #
MRM allows you to know the number of people in an area. With this, access to certain areas can be restricted to prevent exceeding the capacity. All these options generate a notification on the mobile:
Settings | Description | Recommendation | Useful Link |
Enable crowd control | Crowd control systems are tools that make it possible to determine the maximum number of people who can access a certain area or place to prevent new people from entering said space when its capacity is completed. To do this, configure geofences with your custom fields. | Disabled | Custom Field |
Enabled warning notification(only available with Check if the area around you is too crowded enabled) | Warning notifications. | Disabled | |
Interval for system tray notification (only available with Check if the area around you is too crowded enabled) | Interval (sec) to check if the user is breaking any social distance restriction (laws of your country). | Keep default value |
Advanced options #
Situm MRM allows to configure the following advanced options:
Settings | Description | Recommendation | Useful links |
Sleep Mode | It is a battery saving mode. Positioning stops when the device is not connected to electrical power and positions whenever it is plugged in. This is useful if you want to track devices that should always be plugged in (eg machinery). | Disabled | |
Time in seconds to wait before starting positioning (only available with Sleep Mode enabled) | When the smartphone is reconnected to the power, Situm MRM checks for a number of seconds that the mobile remains connected and after that starts positioning. This option allows you to configure that period. | Keep default value | |
Time in seconds to wait before stopping positioning (only available with Sleep Mode enabled) | When the mobile is disconnected from the power, the app checks for a number of seconds that the phone has not been reconnected and after that stops positioning. This option allows you to configure that period. | Keep default value | |
Time before starting sleep mode (only available with Sleep Mode enabled) | As you start it waits a few seconds to enter this mode to stop positioning. This allows the user to set the time (in seconds) the device has to wait before entering sleep mode. | Keep default value | |
Disable WiFi while positioning | Warning message to remind you to disable Wifi on your mobile phone. | Enabled it to prevent the smartphone from connecting to WiFi network, since this may harm positioning accuracy. If the phone and the App are searching for WiFi at the same time it can cause the App to stop searching WiFi signals due to a saturation of the sensor. | Using WiFi for communications and positioning |
Send debug indoor-outdoor logs | When enabled, this saves debug logs in order to receive support from Situm. Use only at Situm’s team’s request. | Disabled |
Information #
In addition to the above, MRM displays basic App information such as:
Settings | Description |
User | Shows your username. |
Device ID | When Situm stores the geolocations of a smartphone in Situm Platform, each geolocation will be associated with an unique identifier called the “Device Identifier” or “Device ID”. This allows to the recovery of the geolocation history of each device independently. This Device ID will then allow us to assign the device to an user through the MRM web application. |
Application Version | Situm MRM App version. |
Mobile network consumed | Provides access to the phone’s network usage section, so you can review the mobile data consumption of Situm MRM. |
Privacy Policy and Legal Notice | Displays Situm’s Privacy Policy and Legal Notice. |
Revoke data treatment consent | Data treatment consent will be revoked and all the user configurations will be deleted from the device. |
Reset to default settings | Returns all the settings to default values. |
Phone Settings #
In order to get the maximum accuracy out of Situm MRM, you will need to disable the network data and battery optimizations that most smartphones enforce by default. Additionally, if your phone is Android 10 or superior, and you are using WiFi for positioning, you will need to disable WiFi Throttling so that Situm provides maximum accuracy.