01 – Introduction: requirements, code examples and more

Situm WYF is a Plug-and-play UX component that will allow you to bring wayfinding capabilities to your apps in no-time. If you integrate it, your application will be able to:

  • Show a navigation screen with cartography visualization
  • Show a POI search bar
  • Generate indoor & outdoor geolocation
  • Provide wayfinding, turn-by-turn indications.
  • …and more.

Here’s a glimpse of how your app might look like.

Situm WYF is available for Android & iOS native, with plugins available for React Native, Capacitor and Cordova as well (we don’t recommend using Cordova, use Capacitor instead).

If you’re using any other platform, such as Flutter or Xamarin, you’ll also be able to integrate Situm WYF in your app by just wrapping the native Android & iOS native modules.

How do I get started? #

In order to start building apps with Situm WYF, you will need:

  1. Previous development experience in the platform where your app will run (Android, iOS, Cordova, React Native), plus a development environment up & running (including a compatible smartphone).
  2. To create an account in Situm Dashboard.
  3. To create an API KEY (that you will use in your application). 
  4. A Situm building up & running for testing purposes. We recommend you to create a building where you can perform your tests (e.g. your office), calibrate it and test the positioning and wayfinding using our Situm Mapping Tool.
  5. Optionally, you may need BLE beacons in some cases.

We recommend you to take a look at our code examples.

Try WYF module with AVD #

If you want to test your app in an AVD you need to use one that has the Google APIs enabled. In the AVD manager you can see which ones have it enabled in the target section.

In this section, we list some of the most useful links when working with Situm WYF.

Code Examples #

We have a wide list of code examples that will show you how to implement the most common use cases with Situm WYF. All the following code examples are structured as aof a mobile app whose code you may download, examine, compile, modify and execute. You will find instructions, and an explanation of each example / use case, inside each Github repository.

OS / FrameworkCode Examples Link
Android (native)https://github.com/situmtech/situm-android-wayfinding-getting-started
iOS (native)https://github.com/situmtech/ios-swift-library-wayfinding (Swift): Check the “Example project within the repository”
React Nativehttps://github.com/situmtech/situm-react-native-wayfinding-getting-started

Docs (SDK public interfaces documentation) #

We also have a thourough documentation of most methods and classes of each Situm WYF module.

OS / FrameworkDocs Link
Android (native)Android Javadoc
iOS (native)iOS Appledoc
React Nativehttps://github.com/situmtech/react-native-wayfinding#usage
CordovaCordova Wayfinding Plugin Github
Cordova JSDoc

Repositories #

In order to use Situm WYF in your applications, the first thing you will need to do is to include Situm WYF in your project dependencies. After that, you will be able to compile your project (including Situm WYF ) and start using its many functionalities.

Situm WYF dependencies are made available through public repositories so that they can be downloaded from the internet and included in your project without effort.

OS/FrameworkSourceRepository Link
Android (native)Situm repositoryhttps://repo.situm.es/ui/repos/tree/General/libs-release-local%2Fes%2Fsitum%2Fsitum-wayfinding
iOS (native)Cocoa Podshttps://cocoapods.org/pods/SitumWayfinding
iOS (native)Situm repositoryhttps://repo.situm.es/ui/repos/tree/General/libs-release-local%2FiOS%2FSitumWayfinding
React Nativenpmhttps://www.npmjs.com/package/@situm/react-native-wayfinding
React NativeGithubhttps://github.com/situmtech/react-native-wayfinding

Changelogs (Situm WYF version reference) #

Every few days, Situm releases a new Situm WYF version with minor updates, bug corrections, security updates, new functionalities and so on. Every Situm WYF has a Changelog file where we keep track of every version released and a brief description of each version’s changes. 

OS / FrameworkChangelog Link
Android (native)https://situm.com/docs/android-wyf-changelog/
iOS (native)https://situm.com/docs/ios-wyf-changelog/
React NativeN.A.

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