Version 1.102.0 – , August 02 , 2023 #
- Now you can use the api key without including the user’s email address. Before with the api key you had to include in a header the user’s email associated to the api key. From now on this will not be necessary. Consult the documentation here for more information
Version 1.101.0 – , July 27 , 2023 #
- Added support for attaching images to points of interest (POIs). For further information see the POIs API docs. The affected endpoints are:
- POST /api/v1/pois
- PUT /api/v1/pois
Version 1.100.0 – , July 3 , 2023 #
The following endpoints have undergone internal improvements to enhance stability, performance, and error management:
- POST api/v1/buildings
- PUT api/v1/buildings/{id}
- POST /api/v1/floors{id}
- PUT api/v1/floors/{id}
For further information see the alarms API docs.
Version 1.100.0 – , June 27 , 2023
- Added support for a new alarm type: ASSISTANCE_REQUEST, in the alarm creation operation. For further information see the alarms API docs. The affected endpoints are:
- POST /api/v1/alarms
Version 1.99.0 – , May 10, 2023 #
- Support for subcategories of POI with the use of the parent_poi_category field. By returning the id of another category in this field we are indicating that the current poi category is a subcategory of indicated poi category. For further information see the API docs. The affected endpoints are:
- GET /api/v1/poi_categories
- POST /api/v1/poi_categories
- PUT /api/v1/poi_categories/{id}
Version 1.98.0 – , April 24, 2023
- Added support to associate several categories to a POI. This allows a POI to be associated with multiple categories at the same time while keeping one of them as the main category. For further information see the API docs. The affected endpoints are:
- GET /api/v1/pois
- POST /api/v1/pois
- PUT /api/v1/pois/{id}
- Custom fields have been added to POI categories. This allows saving any type of extra information related to them. For further information see the API docs. The affected endpoints are:
- GET /api/v1/poi_categories
- POST /api/v1/poi_categories
- PUT /api/v1/poi_categories/{id}
Version 1.96.0 – , february 02, 2023
- GET /api/v1/buildings
- Add fields address instead description
- Add field user_id instead user_uuid
- GET /api/v1/buildings
- Deprecated field user_uuid
- Deprecated field description
Version 1.95.0 – , december 15, 2022
- GET/api/v1/reports/geofencing_stay_time_historical
- This endpoint allows you to know how much time a user or device has spent in a certain geofece. Data is retrieved from a datasource in which the data of time spent in a geofence is computed and stored as soon as it occur, therefore, if a new geofence is created, the stay times will be avaliable from its creation. In the same way, if a geofence is modified, the past stay times will not be modified. This allows perform queries with longer time intervals.
- GET /api/v1/reports/geofencing_sessions_matches_historical
- This endpoint allows to search for devices that are or have been inside the geofences of a list of buildings, within a certain period of time.The result is a list, where each element represents the stay of a device in a geofence, indicating the entrance and exit time. The endpoint allows to filter the results by specifying the list of buildings, devices and geofences that should be considered. It also allows to filter the results by temporal range. Data is retrieved from a datasource in which the data of sessions in geofences is computed and stored as soon as it occur, therefore, if a new geofence is created, the sessions will be avaliable from its creation. In the same way, if a geofence is modified, the past sessions will not be modified. This allows perform queries with longer time intervals
- GET /api/v1/geofencing/analytics
- Use GET /api/v1/reports/geofencing_sessions_matches.{format} or instead.
Version 1.94.1 – , november 15, 2022 #
- For endpoint GET /api/v1/users the way staffs are computed is fixed, preventing some failures and fixing some cases when using is_staff query param returned inconsistent results.
Version 1.94.0 – , november 3, 2022 #
The following endpoints have been promoted to the public API:
- GET /api/v1/organizations/current_organization
- Current organization: This enpoint allow retrieve all information about the user current organization
Version 1.93.0 – , august 22, 2022
This analytic allows us to obtain the periods of coincidence of a user with another user in a same geofence on the same time for a given period of time. This way, after indicating a user and a period of time, we can obtain all those users with the target user have coincided and in which fences has coincided.
Version 1.92.0 – , march 09, 2022
The following endpoints have been promoted to the public API:
- /api/v1/reports/geofencing_stay_time
- Geofencing stay time endpoint. Provides information about the time that a user or device has spent in a certain geofence.
- /api/v1/reports/visitors
- Visitors endpoint. Provides information about the unique visitors in buildings in different time aggregations.
- /api/v1/reports/raw_data
- Raw data endpoint. Provides information on the positioning of users in buildings.
- /api/v1/reports/user_positions
- User positions endpoint. Provides information about the user’s movement in a building (trajectories).
- /api/v1/reports/heatmap
- Heatmap endpoint. Provides information about positioning density in a building.
- api/v1/reports/raw_data and api/v1/reports/user_positions
- Added time_zone query parameter that allows adjusting the time zone of the response data to a specific time zone.
- api/v1/reports/heatmap
- Returns the latitude and longitude of the geohash to simplify representations of the heat map in external GIS applications.
Version 1.91.2 – , february 23, 2022
- REST: Removed deprecated endpoints
Version 1.91.1 – , february 09, 2022
- Added monthly grouping is enabled on the /api/v1/reports/visitors endpoint.
- Added Monthly, daily and hourly grouping is enabled on the /reports/positioning_time endpoint.
- Standardization of role usage in all user api methods.
Version 1.90.0 – , January 26, 2021
- Added option to filter pois by building in the /api/v1/pois
- Improve building_ids and organization_id filters in /api/v1/reports/geofencing_stay_time endpoint
- REST: Removed deprecated analytics reports
Version 1.89.0 – , January 3, 2021
- The GET method of /api/v1/building/{id}/pois now supports query param type to filter between outdoor and indoor pois.
Version 1.88.0 – , December 20, 2021
- The PATCH method /api/v1/users/{id} has been published, which allows making modifications in a simpler way over the users entity.
- Some documentation errors have been fixed.
Version 1.87.0 – , December 14, 2021
- API Reports’ Improvement. Now the fields organization_id and building_ids are not required. If they are not provided, they will be inferred from the authorization headers. In the case of the building_ids parameter, if it is not provided, it will be completed with all the buildings you have access to.
- We have deprecated the following endpoints:
- /api/v1/analytics/raw_pose_data
- /api/v1/realtime/export/{id}
- /api/v1/realtime/heatmap/{id}
- /api/v1/realtime/path
- In response to this deprecation, we have developed and tested higher performance alternatives that you can check in our beta reports API. These beta endpoints are in a pretty mature state. If you want to use any of them in a productive environment, contact our support team to prioritize their development towards a stable version.
Version 1.86.1 – , September 21, 2021
- The /api/v1/model endpoint now filters duplicated beacons (in the same account) with matching major and minor ids. This prevents that Situm SDK selects the wrong building when using the WIFI_AND_BLE or BLE building detector.
Version 1.86.0 – , September 20, 2021
- Add from_created_at, to_created_at, from_executed_at, to_executed_at filters in Tasks list endpoint (beta api)
Version 1.85.0 – September 08, 2021
- Added remote configuration specification (beta api)
Version 1.84.0 – June 21, 2021
- Deprecated the fence_id and duration fields in the endpoint “/api/v1/geofencing/analytics” use matched_fence_id and seconds_in_fence instead
Version 1.83.0 – June 21, 2021
- Fix an error in /api/v1/geofences POST method specification
Version 1.82.0 – April 06, 2021
- Api key permissions documentation
Version 1.66.0 – February 03, 2021
- Publish endpoints for deletion and modification of devices
Version 1.50.1 – December 21, 2020
- Added poi_id to volatile attribute
Version 1.50.0 – December 14, 2020
- Added the endpoint /api/v1/geofencing/analytics
Version 1.49.1 – November 20, 2020
- Added created_at and updated_at fields to Organziation entity response
Version 1.46.2 – August 28, 2020
- Publish Users and Groups endpoints
Version 1.40.0 – June 30, 2020
- Publish modification endpoints for buildings, floors, geofences, paths, points of interest and images
Version 1.37.2 – June 15, 2020
- Add geofences field in the endpoint GET /api/v1/buildings/{id}
Version 1.29 – May 28, 2020
- Now the realtime response retrieves the accuracy of each position.
- Fix some not working analytics endpoints in swagger to perform valid examples.
Version 1.14 – May 18, 2020
- Several minor bugfixes in the documentation solved in GET /api/v1/poi_categories/{id} endpoint and in the georeferences object retrieved by some cartography objects.
Version 1.9 – April 06, 2020
- Added GET /api/v1/infrastructure endpoint to obtain information of the wifi and bluetooth infrastructure of a building
Version 1.8 – March 17, 2020
- Added GET /api/v1/version endpoint to get the current version of the api