Situm launches a new plugin for the development of applications with indoor positioning in React Native, the hybrid application development technology created by Facebook.
Indoor positioning is now possible with React Native. Thanks to the popularity of React Native for web applications, the interest in this Javascript technology has been very well received by mobile application developers. The forecast is that it will be used by a large part of this collective thanks to its similarity to React and the advantages it brings:
- Cross-platform code sharing.
- Low cost of creation and maintenance.
According to the growing evolution of this demand, Situm has developed in React Native an indoor location plugin that allows to:
- Access to the information of all the cartography of the user’s account.
- Obtain real time location in buildings, both of the user’s device and the rest of positioned users.
- Obtain routes and navigation directions to guide users between different points of interest.
You can check all the information about the React Native plugin at and access directly to the code in our Github.
Click here if you want to access the React Native Indoor Navigation SDK Changelog
With this new release, Situm allows to easily integrate indoor location in apps using almost all development tools currently used, either native with Android and iOS, such as hybrids with Cordova and React Native.
Apps developed with React Native Indoor Navigation SDK
The Jeddah Corniche Formula 1Circuit Mobile App (Google Play / App Store ) includes an indoor and outdoor guidance feature, developed by Y. Situm’s React Native Indoor Navigation SDK has enabled this feature to enhance the experience for spectators at the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix.