Although Situm allows indoor positioning with no dedicated infrastructure required, this new tool will facilitate its management for indoor navigation solutions where the minimal necessary infrastructure must be used.
Situm’s indoor positioning technology allows the location of people in closed spaces with the minimal dedicated infrastructure thanks to a unique algorithm that overcomes the absence of GPS signal indoors. This algorithm positions smartphones combining existing WI-Fi and bluetooth data with those provided by the phone’s inertial sensors (pedometer, accelerometer or gyroscope among others).
When Situm is used for tracking and monitoring via Android devices, the existing WiFi infrastructure in any building is enough for the correct performance of the solution and does not require any additional infrastructure.
But when Situm is deployed for visitor guidance, it is necessary to install a small number of Bluetooth beacons to ensure the proper functioning of the indoor navigation solution on iPhone devices, whose operating system does not allow the scanning of WiFi networks.
Although Situm only requires 1 beacon per 600 m2 in open spaces or 30 m in corridors (a saving of x10 with compared to most alternatives on the market), it is necessary to know its status in order to make the indoor navigation solution fully operational.
Panel tool for infrastructure management
To easily manage the whole installation of WiFi access points and BLE beacons, we have developed the Infrastructure Panel, a tool that will reduce maintenance costs to a minimum by allowing:
- Inventory the complete list of Bluetooth beacons and WiFi routers in the building, including data such as their respective identifiers.
- Locate them on the map of the building, for easy management and visualization.
- Know the last listening date, so we will know at all times which elements are working and which are not.
- Consult the last known battery level, so that we can predict when it will be necessary to replace
Situm IPS benefits for indoor positioning infrastructure management
Among the benefits that this new solution brings we can highlight:
- We will be able to know at any moment the state of each beacon or router without the need to physically examine each one of them.
- It will allow us to perform reactive maintenance of only those elements that require it.
- It will facilitate the replacement of batteries by predicting which ones will need to be changed in a certain period of time.
In conclusion, the infrastructure panel drastically reduces the necessary maintenance effort, and therefore, its costs.
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