In this post we describe what services can be offered with a high precision indoor location technology
Unlike first generation indoor positioning technologies (based on Wi-Fi triangulation or more recently, BLE triangulation), Situm RTLS belongs to a second generation. It uses a novel algorithm which is able to intelligently fuse information from all the sensors in current mobile phones. These processes allow us to obtain an “indoor GPS” which reduces the error of the first generation up to a factor of 10.
Guided routes in big surfaces
You are lost in an huge airport, you can’t find your boarding gate, your flight is going to take off and the time is passing… Here the first and most immediate solution that our indoor positioning system offers; wasting time looking for a restaurant or a hospital room is now over, don’t get lost again in these buildings.
Search for products in your favorite stores
How many times have you been in a hurry at the supermarket and you can’t find your breakfast cereals? Thanks to Situm RTLS, you only have to type into your phone the product that you are searching for and follow the directions to find it.
Positioned audio-guides
Now, you are visiting a museum and you have few time, wouldn’t it great to have a step by step guided route that fits to your time? Then, you stop in front of a nice picture, besides its own description, wouldn’t you like to have additional and immediate information pop-up in your phone? With our technology, everything is intelligent and hands-free, you can concentrate in your experience at the museum.
Information about employees and important resources
There is an urgency in a hospital and it’s hard to find and call the specialist in the enormous building. Certain services, in health, emergency or safety fields, for example, can greatly benefit from critical resource positioning. Situm RTLS allows real time positioning and even makes it possible to establish a communication procedure.
Launching personalized and positioned offers
You don’t have plans for tonight and your mall app informs you that there is an exclusive discount at your favorite shop, so what are you waiting for? Situm RTLS can be integrated into any smartphone app, such as in apps oriented to improve customer loyalty. This option makes it possible to gather information that can are useful in marketing campaigns or to measure marketing ROI.
Finally, we would like to highlight how useful the first three points are for increasing the autonomy of low vision people.