03 – Patrol Monitoring and Data Capture

Real time #

To monitor the users of the organization and the patrols we use the Real Time panel. To do this, we go to the Dashboard and click on the Real Time option in the upper menu: 

In this panel, we can also monitor: 

  • Users connected in the building: We can use a filter to search for specific users. 
  • Active alarms: Help warnings that users have sent from the App.
  • Tasks: We can see the already created ones and can also create New tasks. 

Reports #

To analyze the compliance or performance data of the patrols carried out, we will use the Reports panel. Visit the following link for more information. 

Configuring Real Time Panel #

The user of the Real Time Panel can configure the options that you use or want to see. This configuration is local and individual for each browser. To do so, click on the gear marked in the following image and tick or untick the options you prefer:

You can activate/deactivate the next configuration:

  • Enable 3D View
  • Enable 3D buildings
  • Underlying map:
    • Light
    • Dark
    • Satellite
  • Layers
    • Floor image
    • Alarm markers
    • Realtime indoor positions
    • Realtime outdoor positions
  • Popup
    • Persist users information over users positioning
  • Connections info
    • Current floor
    • Current geofence
    • Time since last received position
    • Patrols

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