Situm for facility management

Gregory Botanes Vicepresident

Adrián Canedo CTO
Faced with the challenge of improving and making facility management activities more effective and profitable, indoor employee location and monitoring systems have proven to be a very effective basis for improving the dynamics of modern facilities, coordinating the use of space and staff organization. In this webinar, Gregory Botanes, Vicepresident, and Adrian Canedo, CTO, will introduce Situm for facility management, a solution that ensures complete knowledge of indoor (and outdoor) activity in real time.
How to make facility management more effective with indoor positioning
Facility management is the activity that allows the integration of processes within an organization to maintain and develop its services, as well as the effectiveness of its tasks.
Our robust indoor positioning system allows coordinating these tasks, regardless of the industry or company, to improve service and reduce costs by auditing the activity in the workplace with the right tool. We’re talking about Situm MRM.
Situm MRM ensures a complete knowledge of the activity in the indoor (and outdoor) space in real-time, organizing the maintenance work, and controlling your mobile staff in a large area to increase profitability by up to 30%.
The webinar will address Situm MRM’s main strengths and applications:
- Minimal initial investment (only a smartphone per employee!).
- No dedicated infrastructure is required. The core technology used is an algorithm that collects pre-existing information in the buildings (magnetic fields, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi) and combines it with the data from the inertial sensors of the smartphone to position the user.
- The deployment is carried out in a few days, even hours, so it does not interfere with the daily activity of the company.
- Monitor everything important for the company with a very high precision.
- Visualization of all the activity on a single screen through graphics and maps. The use is very intuitive and does not require previous training, and it provides customized analytics.
- It has tools such as the geofence system that allow a detailed study of the activity in a pre-established place.
Why our indoor location system is the best option for facility management?
- It provides useful information about the activity of employees and the use of space to optimize processes and services.
- Situm eases facilities and equipment maintenance tasks.
- It allows a better reaction to unforeseen events.
- It improves coordination between company staff and external suppliers.
- It increases the security of facilities and employees.
- Situm increases the capacity to respond to changes.
We will finish by giving you some real examples of how Situm is being used for facility management tasks:
- Cleaning
- Maintenance
- Surveillance
- Internal logistics
- Other specific activities such as handling, PRM…
Do not worry if you can’t make it to the webinar’s time and date. Once the session is concluded, you will receive a link to the video so you can watch it at your convenience.
¿What will you learn?
How does indoor positioning systems like Situm’s aplly to facility management activities.
What different tasks and activities can you get done for your company using Situm MRM for facility management, regardless of your industry, with some real examples.