The main goal of marketing techniques is to increase the sales of products or services. Understanding the consumer’s behavior is one of the most important ways to achieve success. Despite the increase in Internet purchases, especially in a difficult moment such as the current climate, physical presence continues to be an opportunity to encourage the consumer. Explore the possibilities that indoor positioning technology allows such as geomarketing with geofences.
What is geomarketing?
The technologies that allow people to be located inside buildings, where the GPS of mobile devices does not work, are already a reality. Malls and other large commercial places try to improve their customers’ experience with interactive maps that guide people through the facilities and provide them with the information they need or demand at any given time. But this flow of information is not one-way. Companies can also take advantage of these tools to learn more about their consumers’ habits and thus improve their services.
Therefore, geomarketing (or marketing geography) would be the combination of sales techniques and geolocation technologies. Thanks to them it is possible to connect with a client at key moments, for instance when they are near or in front of our products. Being able to offer them personalized information, promotions, and discounts in real time motivates consumption as well as engagement with our brand.
In the “2020 Location Intelligence Market Study”, 53% of the companies consulted stated that location intelligence is crucial to achieving their goals in 2020. We can expect this percentage to increase after the changes that the Covid-19 pandemic has already implemented in our social and consumer habits.
Geomarketing with geofences
The precise delimitation of spaces is one of the main needs to develop an effective geomarketing campaign. In this way, we can identify exactly where in our buildings we want users to receive notifications, offers, or personalized information. At the same time, such a detailed audit of the spaces means the possibility of obtaining analyses and useful information for the development of the activity itself and its management.
To do this, Situm’s Dashboard includes the polygonal geofencing tool, a method for accurately identifying indoors and outdoors spaces in our buildings This way, our clients will be also able to manage geofences for geomarketing in a single Dashboard.
By using polygonal geofencing, our clients can accurately define the places they are interested in to create geo-promotions or increase security by identifying restricted areas.
In the same way, our customers will be able to organize data collected from localized devices to extract analytics. This tools allows an increased knowledge about what is happening in their facilities in real time. Implementing an indoor positioning solution opens the door to intelligent campaigns and efficient space distribution.
Geomarketing with Situm: easy deployment with minimal investment
One of the main advantages when working with Situm is the simplicity of its deployment. In a few days, even hours, and with minimal infrastructure, any building can have Situm’s location technology. Its functionality in both indoor and outdoor spaces allows for 100% customizable space auditing. That’s how we can offer a robust and accurate indoor and outdoor location system for guiding, tracking and monitoring.
Furthermore, with our platform tools such as SDK or Rest API, developers can easily integrate indoor navigation in existing apps or even create one form scratch.
What geomarketing actions can I do with Situm?
There is no doubt about the enormous potential of technology combinations such as geomarketing for almost any type of commercial enterprise. Today, information is the most valuable currency. Some market studies have raised to 53% the percentage of consumers willing to share their current location to receive more relevant ads. Without a doubt, this percentage continues to rise with the technological advances in geolocation.
However, we cannot forget that end-users must feel they are valued by companies who do not consider them just a number in their marketing strategies. Thanks to indoor positioning, we can improve their customer experience with the possibility to obtain discounts or promotions. This way, we will find a much more willing customer to use the applications and tools offered by their favorite brands.
- Maps: They show different areas and point out restaurants, stores, parking lots, services, exits, etc.
- Indoor navigation: In addition to maps, with Situm’s indoor positioning, it will be possible to provide real-time wayfinding, establish routes, define alternative trajectories for people with reduced mobility, etc.
- Geopromotions: Special offers activated when approaching a specific store, purchase promotions triggered when entering a store, onsite discounts, … The accurate delimitation with Situm’s polygonal geofencing allows all this and much more according to the objectives of each of our clients.
These are the main benefits Situm provides when implementing geomarketing campaigns, regardless of the sector. Situm is already helping top companies such as El Corte Inglés, Carrefour, and managers of some of the largest shopping centers in Europe and Asia to get the most out of indoor positioning. If you are interested in learning more about how Situm can help your business through geomarketing, try our technology in your building or contact us for more information.