03 – Beacons: Quickstart Guide

What do I need to know and what do I need to configure?

The Basics #

Do I need to install beacons?Tracking with Android devices. Situm will work accurately if the building has a WiFi network…

Wayfinding. We recommend installing beacons.
IOS can’t scan WiFi signals -> Need beacons.

Android >9 = problems with WiFi Throttling -> Need beacons (for wayfinding, explain why briefly).

How many beacons do I have to install?Open spaces: 1 beacon per 400 square meters (20×20 meters)

Corridors: 1 beacon for each 20 meters
Better accuracy when following those instructions. Learn more.

Beacons uuids #

  • What is it? An identifier that can be shared among many beacons. A common practice is to identify all your beacons with the same UUID, so they are easy to find/manage
  • What UUIDs does Situm detect by default? By default, Situm Mapping Tool and Situm SDK only detect beacons configured with Situm’s UUID 73697475-6D73-6974-756D-736974756D15 and Kontakt’s UUID f7826da6-4fa2-4e98-8024-bc5b71e0893e.
  • Can I use other beacons? If you want to use your own beacons, add a custom field TO YOUR BUILDING with a key called beacons_uuids (link) and also add the list of beacon UUIDs as a value for this key. More info in the next section. 
Beacon filterValue
Key beacons_uuids
Value 059e0694-60d0-4c48-a6cd-ef4ee2987a93

Multiple beacon filter (separated it by commas): 4afa9e5b-1445-4525-a5e2-3fa25ba98656,b05ab4c0-5e3e-4007-ade1-e6593

Custom fields building level #

Go to the left sidebar and click on Buildings

Select the edit building button, located next to the Cartography title on the top menu: 

Edit building

Click on Other Fields > Add and the key and value options will appear to insert the custom fields: 

Custom fields building

How to distribute beacons #

As a general rule, you should distribute your beacons so that you:

  • Cover as much space possible while respecting at least the minimum number of beacons recommended (see below some of the tips).
  • All areas are covered at least by the signal of 2 or 3 beacons.
  • The imaginary perimeter formed by the outer beacons of each floorplan encloses all the areas that you want to cover.

Beacons coverage map #

  • Go to the Dashboard configuration panel
  • Select in the “Positioning Model” the floor of the building that you want to check.
  • Click on “Visualize model”
  • You will be able to see if all the areas of interest are covered.

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