01 – Map Widget quickstart guide

Introduction #

Our Map Widget allow you to show indoor maps of your buildings on your website or digital kiosk! It is a fully interactive web widget that will allow you to:

  • Show the indoor cartography of the buildings you’ve created in Situm Dashboard: floorplans, Points of Interest, etc.
  • Search and locate Points of interest, showing them in a list or filtering them by name.
  • Get route indications from different points of a building
  • Share maps via QR

Usage with iframe #

This widget can be easily integrated in your web app using the html tag <iframe/> and customizing it by its attributes. It will be needed an apikey and several of the features can be managed from the url given on the src attribute of the iframe.

In order to show this widget, just copy & paste this code into your website’s code:

  style="width:100%; height:600px"

This code will show you something like this:

If you don’t use email and api key parameters you will see this very embed iframe example above.

Api key #

As we do not handle users on this widget we manage the access through emails and api keys. The email must be registered at out platform Situm Dashboard and the api key can be created in our Dashboard too, just by accessing to our Map Viewer integration (https://dashboard.situm.com/map_viewer). When you visit the Map Viewer on our Dashboard you will see a toast with the full iframe and the api key already inside it.

In the picture below we show you how to get this in Situm Dashboard. First you need to click on the “Map Viewer” button placed at the end of the sidebar, then you can see the toast with a button that copies to your clipboard the iframe, already with the email and api key of the user.

Map viewer on Situm Dashbaord

This is not the only way to get a valid api key, you can check more information about it in Situm api keys documentation. You can use any type of api keys but to use this widget, nevertheless we recommend using ‘read-only’ type api keys.

To know more about other integration query params or features you can check Map Viewer specifications.

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